Mama Of The Month

Meet our sixth Mama of the Month, Milena Djankovic! Here at TSB, we want to develop a community of supportive, inclusive and strong mamas. Each month, we will be featuring a different mama with a unique story. Keep reading to learn all about this January’s Mama, Milena.

From being a mama of two to entrepreneurship, Milena is a #Bosslady who founded one of our favorite companies, Rocker Mama. Catering to all things motherhood keep reading to learn about Milena’s journey as mompreneur!

Tell us a little bit about yourself. Kids? Hobbies?

I have two kids – Vuk, 4, and Elena, 2. I’m usually either working or spending time with the kids – when I do get some time to myself it’s usually spent meditating or taking a run. I find that best helps relax me when I’m stressed out or need to clear my head. 

Describe your pregnancy experience. What did you enjoy and not enjoy?

I absolutely loved being pregnant! I know some may find it hard to believe, but I thoroughly enjoyed almost every moment of both of my pregnancies! I think the hard part comes after having the baby – adjusting to the lack of sleep, constant feedings, rarely any time to ourselves, etc The first few months after giving birth were the hardest for me with my first, but looking back, it really did go by so fast and now my son will be 5 in Feb! Time flies and the hard moments do pass! 

What did you least expect during your pregnancy? 

I think the hardest part about my pregnancy (with my first) was thinking that when you enter the 37th week you’re technically considered full term and that the baby can come any day. I went into labor at 41+ weeks. Let’s just say 37-41 weeks felt longer than the entire 37! ☺  

What do you wish you knew about pregnancy, but did not? 

I was fortunate enough to have a very informed and educated sister-in-law who shared all her pregnancy and infant books with me. I was able to get her advice and input on all of my questions and concerns (gosh, I had so many that I felt bad for her at the time!) She really put me at ease on so many things that I was truly able to relax and enjoy my pregnancies. That said, looking back the one thing I wish I knew is when your “water breaks” it doesn’t stop there – any movement, let alone a laugh or sneeze, will make you feel like you’ve peed yourself. Over and over! 

What were your greatest challenges during your postpartum period? 

The greatest challenge for me was having a colicky newborn. Our son was up at all hours of the night demanding to be nursed and rocked. I was in constant comforting mode and it took its toll on my mental and physical health. I nursed and rocked hours on end while gazing at the same four walls of our nursery. That’s where my idea and inspiration to develop a portable rocker stemmed from. 

You took your pregnancy experiences and developed a business! How did Rocker Mama start? 

The initial motivation stemmed from a personal pain point. Our son was very colicky and demanded to be nursed and rocked almost every hour on the hour, especially during the first three months of his life. I was convinced there had to be something on the market that would allow me to leave my nursery and comfort him on the go. I was absolutely shocked to see that nothing existed! One of the most natural motherly instincts is to rock our babies. For me, it was not only the soothing benefits, but I also cherished the bonding time with my son. Despite the exhaustion, the mess and milk-soaked shirts, the moment my son’s head rested on my chest as he fell sound asleep from the gentle swaying motion I was providing, it made me feel like a super mom. The more I rocked, the more I became interested in this seemingly simple motion’s ability to comfort and heal. So, I recruited my husband Mladen and our journey to invent the first-ever portable rocker began. Believing other parents and caregivers could benefit from the invention, especially highly active parents, those living in small spaces, and those that traveled frequently – we decided to turn the concept into a company.

What is your advice for mamas juggling kids and entrepreneurship?

Don’t give up! It sounds cliché, but I really think even if you devote one hour a day to pursuing your goals, you’ll get so much farther than you think! And make time for yourself! We oftentimes get consumed with the kids, family, work, household responsibilities that we neglect our own mental health and as a result, everything starts to suffer! 

Give us three pieces of advice you would wish to share with other moms, it can be regarding pregnancy or postpartum!

  1. Don’t be so tough on yourself and don’t set unrealistic expectations. You don’t have to get everything done in one day.

  2. Every baby is different. What works for someone else’s baby may not work for yours and that’s okay! Same goes for body -go easy on yourself! Pregnancy and labor really take a toll on our bodies -eat the cake and don’t feel so guilty about it. Motherhood is hard enough!

  3. Your baby will eventually sleep through the night, I promise.

What was the biggest lesson you learned in parenthood?

The biggest lesson I learned is that difficult times, like lack of sleep, do pass! Kids grow before our eyes and all of the sudden they are these big toddlers with big personalities. I wish I spent less time complaining about how tired I am and learned to enjoy even the difficult moments because that’s what makes motherhood so special and so rewarding! 

We LOVE Milena’s story, she is hardworking, resilient and an inspiration to all of us! To learn more about her portable rocker business, being a mother of two and wife head to her Instagram @Milena_Djanko and @rocker.mama!

Have a mama you love? To send in a feature consideration, please #TSBMama and #MamaoftheMonth on Instagram or DM us!


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